Chapter Cover

AUX 1 : Tessa Vivuk - Character Sheet (End of Ch. 30)

AUX 2 : Tolan Morndelen - Character Sheet (End of Ch. 30)

AUX 3 : H?????e????????i?????? ?????????Z??????h????????a???????o????? ????????-???? ???????C???????h?????????a???????r?????a????????c?????????t???e??????r????? ??????S???????h??????e???????e??????t?????

AUX 4 : T???????o????????r?????????????g???????????r???????????a????k????????????? ?????????-????? ????????C?????????h??????????a???????r?????????????a????c??????????t?????????e???????r???????? ???????S??????h??????????e??????e??????t????????

Chapter 0 : The Hero and the Dragon

Chapter 1 : Dreams From Propaganda

Chapter 2 : Running Blind

Chapter 3 : Unmet Requisites

Chapter 4 : Not a Coincidence

Chapter 5 : Kneel to Fate

Chapter 6 : Saved and Sabotaged

Chapter 7 : Apprentice of Bastards

Chapter 8 : New Lessons to be Learned

Chapter 9 : Drilling in the Basics

Chapter 10 : Fanatic Extermination Preparation

Chapter 11 : A Few Moments Before Chaos

Chapter 12 : Never Wanted This

Chapter 13 : A Little Bit of Green

Chapter 14 : The Resistance

Chapter 15 : In Through the Front Door

Chapter 16 : Conversation Between Villains

Chapter 17 : Seeing What's to Come

Chapter 18 : Spark Amongst Flames

Chapter 19 : Everything Starts with a Big Bang

Chapter 20 : The Gun Goes Off

Chapter 21 : Miniboss Meeting

Chapter 22 : The Starting Light

Chapter 23 : A Convenient Opportunity

Chapter 24 : Unapologetically Breaking a Promise

Chapter 25 : No Rest for the Wicked

Chapter 26 : But It Was Me...

Chapter 27 : Second Verse Same as the First

Chapter 28 : Ritual

Chapter 29 : That Lesson Paid Off

Chapter 30 : 30. The End of the First Story

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Chapter No12:Never Wanted This

The claws on Tolan’s feet scratched the cobblestone as he ran through Crimsonvale’s back streets and alleyways. Keeping to the shadows and hiding behind whatever pile of objects he could to avoid attracting attention. Sneaking out of the cathedral and into the streets was hard enough, but trying to get deeper into town while avoiding Watchers and Inquisitors while also moving quickly was a hell of a task on its own. And while his blue scales made it easier to blend in with the night, his sorcerer attire and staff were dead giveaways if someone spotted him. Just as he was running through another of the alleyways, he saw a patrol of Watchers led by an Inquisitor. Quickly ducking behind a pile of junk, he watched and listened. Tolan couldn’t hear what they were talking about, but heard “half-elf”. “Whatever or whoever this half-elf is, it’s got the cult on high alert tonight.” Looking around the cultists, Tolan waited for them to move. He was stuck in an alleyway that didn’t have any significant gaps to the left or right between the buildings. All he could do was wait for the group ahead of him to move. Then multiple explosions echoed from off in the distance. “Dammit! I’m too late!” The Inquisitor and Watchers took notice of it and started running towards the source of the explosion. Moving up from his position, Tolan peered out from the alleyway. He weighed the risks of continuing forward and turning back. “That was at least three or four fireball explosions. Chances are low that the half-elf is still alive, but if they're not…” Another explosion rang out, followed by several small ones in rapid succession. This definitely altered how Tolan weighed the half-elf’s importance. “Well, safe to say the half-elf isn’t dead yet.” Then, from further up the road, another patrol of cultists started running in his direction. “Dammit, they saw me!” Tolan readied himself for a fight, but they ran right past him. Gritting his teeth, Tolan hoped he could save some time and chased after the cultists ahead of him. “Whatever commotion that half-elf started definitely kicked the hornet’s nest! You’d better be worth our time, half elf!” Just before the second explosion rang out, Hei, Torgrak, and Tessa stood out in the open as the cult surrounded them. Spellcasters with staves stood atop the roofs while those brandishing weapons flooded the streets and alleyways. One cultist with slightly more regal robes than the rest called out to the rest. “Purify these heretics with our diving flame! Burn them with holy fire ‘til they are but ash!” One loud chant came from the cultists in unison. “BURN THE HERETICS!” The cultists in the streets broke open the door that lead into the inn and began climbing the steps, while those in the alleyways began climbing the building to reach and kill the apostates. Tessa’s ears rang for a moment as she tried to get her bearings after the first set of explosions. Hei, however, kept his smirk from growing too much. “Time for your lesson in combat.” Tessa did a double take, uncertain of if Hei was serious or not. “I don’t think this is the time nor place to teach, Hei!” “Nonsense! No better time to learn than when your life is at risk!” Hei raised his hand as a sword appeared out of a void, the handle sliding into his palm. Quickly, Hei positioned himself in front of the door just as an axe broke through the wood. Tessa recoiled the crunching wood. “I’ll even provide step-by-step instructions for you.” Another several bashes from weapons hit the door, nearly breaking it down. Seeing no point in arguing further, Tessa gave in to today’s lesson. “What’s the lesson for today?!” “Attacking and positioning.” The door broke down, but Hei kept the cultists from getting any further into the room. Raising his blade and striking down the first two who tried to enter. Their bodies falling limp and turning to ash before blood could even hit the wooden floor. “Isn’t defense more important right now?!” Hei was ecstatic, “We’re keeping it simple today!” Torgrak held his rifle up to his shoulder and took aim. With a squeeze of the trigger, he shot at the one who called them heretics. And the moment the bullet impacted the cultist’s face, it was safe to say portraits were now an impossibility for him. The cultist’s head bursting like a watermelon while the body fell down into the streets. Witnessing it, Tessa felt sick while Torgrak let out a prideful and short chuckle as he reloaded. I know there’s not much choice in the matter, but aren’t there better means?! Hei then called out again, beginning the lecture. “Step one. Analyze your enemy. What’s our situation look like?” Another cultist tried to force his way through the door and took a stab at Hei with a shortsword. Effortlessly, Hei raised his shield and blocked thrusted into the cultist’s chest. Another pile of dust scattered on the floor. “Uh… there are spell casters scattered on the roofs.” Torgrak’s gun cracked again, this time interrupting a cultist just as their next fireball was about to be hurled. The bullet caving in the woman’s chest cavity. Unfortunately for her fellow followers of Nencog, the fireball went up and then back down. Detonating on impact with the ground and turning a good number into charred corpses. Tessa tried to ignore that and focus on the lesson. “A-and melee fighters below us.” “Good!” One cultist who climbed up the side of the inn began pulling himself up and onto their level. Dagger in one hand as he stared straight at Tessa. “With that in mind, who should you attack right now?” Tessa began to panic. Her eyes rapidly shifting between the one staring daggers at her and Hei. “I’d rather cast support miracles and avoid fighting than anything else right now!” Hei chided her, “Answer…” A cultist broke through one of the side walls and charged at Hei while another engaged him head on. Quickly, Hei shoved his shield into the one in front of him, thrusting its edge into the cultist’s right thigh and left it there. Then, taking his sword in both hands, slashed through the other one’s waist. Cutting him into two piles of ash before pulling his shield out and bashing the remaining’s head in. Coating the front and bottom edge of his shield in blood. “The question!” “But!” The one who was climbing up the side was nearly up on his feet, and the hands and fingers of other cultists who started climbing were visible along the edge. Tessa looked to her mentors, hoping one of them would keep him from getting closer. But both of them were busy. “But!” The cultist was now on both of his feet and noticed how she was the only one not fighting, and thus the easiest target. He started running at Tessa, both hands on his dagger as he charged. “DIE HERETIC!” Tessa raised her arms defensively, but Torgrak handled the issue this time. Tripping the cultist, he broke their balance and then bashed the cultist’s head in with one hit from the butt of his rifle. Blood dripped down the man’s face as Torgrak then grabbed him by the chest and threw him up into the air before shooting him down like a clay pigeon. “Zhis ain’t da time ta lose focus, lass!” Tessa couldn’t form words to reply with and nodded. “Sooner ya finish yer lesson, da sooner it’ll be over.” “R-right. U-uh…” She recalled Hei’s question and gave what answer she could. “I-I’m not good at fighting in melee, but the cultists on the roofs appear too far away to hit!” Hei replied, “Very good!” One fairly big cultist came charging at Hei, hoping to break through with his size and brute force. But upon colliding with Hei’s shield, he found he couldn’t push Hei at all. His feet struggled to even force him any further forward. With this, Hei smiled and pushed back. Knocking the brute off his balance before kicking him down the stairs. Taking along every cultist on the stairs with him. “Step two. Repositioning. Is there anywhere you could move to either keep yourself away from melee fighters while also getting in range to attack the enemy casters?” Tessa scanned her surroundings, trying to gage if Hei’s request was possible. “Uh. It doesn’t appear possible. Is that a bad thing?” Torgrak yelled, “Incoming!” Tessa looked at Torgrak, then noticed a fireball headed their way. Raising her hands and closing her eyes, Tessa thought this would be the end of it all. Hei then pointed his sword at the fireball and unleashed several tendrils of darkness. They stretched out and grabbed it right before devouring the magic and neutralizing the spell. Opening her eyes, Tessa looked around in the sky. “Wh-where’d it go?” Torgrak chuckled, “Knife ears ate it!” “What?!” Hei clarified, “Counterspell.” “But you didn’t say or chant anything.” “Don’t need to. Somatic component only. Now, back to your lesson!” “R-right. Uh, there aren’t any places I could move to that would help me.” “That’s fine. Step three. Pick a target. Torgrak, oil!” “On it!” Reaching into his bag of stuff, Torgrak took out a spherical bottle with a long neck. Inside was a dark brown and black liquid, and he tossed it over to Hei. Not wasting another moment, Hei smashed the neck against his shield and threw the bottle down the stairs. Some cultists attempted to move up, but now it was far too slick. A few stayed in place and focused on balancing, but then Hei and Torgrak switched positions. With a devilish smile, Torgrak pulled out a lit match and tossed it. Immediately upon hitting the oil, a blaze of fire ran down the stairs and torched a good number of cultists along the way. Screams of pain as they burned to death echoed up and down the staircase. Tessa tried to ignore them as best she could, but it was hard to. Hei assumed the front position as the cultists were not getting up the walls. “Tessa! Target! Now!” “Y-yes! Uhhh… I-I can attack the ones that climb up?!” “Then step four! Rain hell!” “What does that mean?!” Torgrak inserted himself into the conversation. “It means zhis!” Torgrak pulled out a different round from usual. It was longer and had dark cracks running down its sides. Loading it, his rifle went k-thunk instead of its usual chunk noise. Taking aim just above the alley, he fired the round. It flew out slowly, leaving a trail of smoke, and hit the far wall of the alley before exploding and showering the cultists in hot shrapnel. They cried out in agony as the ripping hot metal pierced and lacerated their flesh. Killing many, but not all. It wasn’t over yet, though. Determined to kill, the cultists continued climbing. A few even tried jumping over from nearby buildings. A couple make it, and Hei intercepts them, but another makes it up the side of the inn and starts pulling himself up. Unfortunately for Tessa, Torgrak is. A couple finish climbing up. Hei gets in front of them, but another on the far edge climbs up. Tessa knows Hei cannot defend her at the moment and Torgrak is taking out their spellcasters. And with how’d she’d like to avoid the number three being her unlucky number, she set her sights on the cultist and attacked. “Sanct bel Sacred Light!” Upon Tessa’s chant completing, an orb of light summoned itself. However, instead of shooting itself at the cultist, it swirled in on itself. Soon enough, it was closer to a spinning spear of light than anything else and hurled itself into the cultist’s shoulder. Piercing her target’s shoulder and throwing them back and off the edge. Tessa stared at what had just happened, bewildered by how her spell changed. What… was that? Normally, Sacred Light did little more than burst into a blinding shower of lights and sparks when she cast it. Not… that. Chuckling callously, Torgrak patted her on the back. “Good hit!” “But… I just… How did… Why was it…?” Tessa wanted to know how her attack had changed into something so much more impactful. Torgrak reminded her, “Fight first. Question later.” Hei had dispatched the two in front of him with ease, their robes fluttering down with a sprinkling of ashes inside. Though one robe’s hood had been severed, and the other had a hole stabbed through the front and out the back. “Now! Step five! Repeat until the battle is over!” Tessa looked at Hei as another cultist broke through the remaining sturdy wall. Clashing his greataxe against Hei’s sword. The cultist put all of his force into his weapon, hands shaking with rage but making no progress. Hei gave him a kick to the groin with his armored foot, and the cultist fell to one knee. And Hei drove his blade through the cultist’s back. And just as Hei finished that one, another two appeared. Torgrak shot one down. Piercing the cultist’s waist and sending him back and off the edge. Tessa, however, didn’t have a moment to do anything other than attack like her mentors and blasted the other with her Sacred Light. The fight continued with the three of them turning the tides of battle from being overwhelmed with numbers to a standstill. Cultists only kept on charging ahead or throwing spells. None of them giving an ounce of thought to their actions as their fanaticism drove them to only think of killing. However, each attempt was futile. Torgrak’s gun continued to crack and blast holes into their hands, legs, shoulders, torsos, and so on. Occasionally dodging to avoid smaller ranged attacks. Hei continued to be the bulwark of their party. Holding the front line with an increasingly evil and happy smile with every kill. And whenever a new fireball appeared, he would quickly have his shadows devour it. Tessa kept firing one spear of light after another, quickly adapting to the flow of battle before she realized it. She aimed for any less than lethal areas as her attacks seemed to hurt, but never kill. She didn’t enjoy this, but knew it was a necessary evil she would have had to partake in, eventually. Spatters of blood lightly coated the burnt floorboards as unconscious bodies were flung into the streets. And as the violence continued, the battle blurred before Tessa’s eyes as her body and spells moved and cast on their own. The blood and gore dragging back the memories she couldn’t clearly remember kicking and screaming. The smell of fresh blood and ash all around her. Stop this! Make it end! Her mind tried to take command, but her body refused. She continued to cast spell after spell, each spear of light getting stronger with every casting. I want to be a Hero who aids her allies, not a murderous villain! Then an unfamiliar voice spoke in her mind. Its words were icy and uncomfortable, yet came across hauntingly true. Are you sure? It asked, I think you’d fit right in. Immediately after the voice spoke, Tessa’s mind regained partial control, and she felt something uncomfortable on her face. It wasn’t blood nor splinters of wood. It wasn’t ash or a burn. It was a smile. From ear to ear, she was smiling wickedly as one of her spears of light struck a cultist. Tessa watched as the cultist’s hood fell back and revealed an elven woman as the body fell off the edge. For a moment, Tessa’s mind superimposed Sylvie’s face over the woman’s. And the icy voice laughed while letting loose the envy Tessa had kept deep within herself. She deserved it! This is my moment in the light this time! Not yours Sylvie! Tessa used every bit of her mental power to keep herself from saying what the voice wanted out loud. Yet she couldn’t find herself able to argue against it. And while all this went through her mind, the smile on her face grew even wider. It nearly matched those that Hei and Torgrak wore. And because of this, the memories from the cave flooded back in and she remembered everything that had happened. Overwhelmed by all of it, the shock allowed Tessa to take back full control as she grabbed her head and cried out. Forcing out the madness with a loud cry that interrupted everything. I need to get away! I need to run! Everyone on the battlefield froze as Tessa fled. Running down the now dried and burnt steps of the inn and out into the streets. She didn’t know where she was going, only that she needed to run away from what was happening. Hei and Torgrak both raised an eyebrow at the turn of events. Torgrak’s hand mid punch and Hei’s foot about to stomp on a head. Even the cultists were uncertain of what to do for a moment. Taking a moment to come to their senses. Then one cultist called out to his brothers and sisters. “Ch-chase her!” A small group of the cultists broke away from the battle and chased after Tessa while the others refocused their attention on Hei and Torgrak. Torgrak asked, “Should ve go after her?” Hei rested his foot on the side of the cultist’s head. “No, not yet. After what just happened, I have a feeling Fate doesn’t want her dying just yet.” Torgrak finished his punch. “Ya certain about zhat?” With a bit of force, Hei crushed what was underneath him. His foot now bloody with bits of flesh, hair, and bone stuck to it. “I’m not certain, but I think I know which god wrote Tessa’s ending. And if I’m right, she doesn’t want her future villain to die just yet.” Hei walked towards the ledge and jumped off, falling and intentionally crushing one of the cultists to break his fall. “Signal Kegz to start their operation.” “Heh, alright. Flare goin’ up!” Torgrak loaded a round into his rifle and shot it up into the air. It screamed and whistled as it flew before exploding into a shower of red sparks. The light slowly descending as it continued to let out a bright red light. Meanwhile, Tessa ran through the streets of Crimsonvale. Taking random turns and routes with no idea of where to go other than “away”. But eventually, she hit a dead end. A high stone wall stood before her as one cultist called out to the others. “This way! She went this way!” She saw their red robes approach her, and she tried to push against the wall in hopes it would move back. But it was futile, and she pleaded for them to go away. “St-stay away! Don’t come any closer! Please!” But it all fell on deaf ears as they ran at her with weapons drawn. Afraid and panicking, Tessa prayed for it to all be over quickly. Then three cracks of lightning struck as the cultists fell forward. Scorch marks and smoke coming off their backs as a friendly voice called out. “You alright?” Tolan gently put his hand on her shoulder. Looking her in the eyes, Tessa felt a genuine sense of comfort and friendliness. * * * * * At the same time that the battle had begun, Bishop Abaris was attending to affairs inside the cathedral. At the moment, he was addressing two cultists regarding tonight’s ritual. Calmly instructing them in how to handle the sacrifices as a very loud voice shouted at him from the entrance. “ABARIS! WHERE ARE YOU?!” Dismissing the two, Abaris walked out and welcomed the woman dressed in armor with two mauls across her back. “Bishop Tae’Lyn. Good evening to you.” She stomped forward, stopping just in front of him. “Why have my Cogs been ordered to mobilize?! I gave no such order, and yet you have the gall to summon me as well?!” Unlike the other cultists, Tae’Lyn didn’t wear any robes. Instead, she wore a mixed set of armor and a coat. Her hair was long and black, kept tucked behind her elven ears. As for her weapons, she carried them with surprising ease for how large the mauls were. Each one was solid stone and the size of a person’s torso. She’d likely be beautiful if not for being so gung-ho and hotheaded all the time. Then, behind her, another person entered. Though his armor held no apparent connection to the cult. Abaris welcomed him, “It is also good to see you, Bishop Korlos.” Korlos was angry, but not to the same degree Tae’Lyn was. “I was about to have our sewer rat problem dealt with when you summoned me.” He wore a combination of a breastplate, asymmetrical pauldrons, and chainmail across the rest of his body. Over his left shoulder draped a thick, blue cape that covered half of his back. His hair was black and wavy, and his face had thin eyebrows and a slight goatee on his chin. If not for being a cultist, he’d easily be mistaken for a lost noble. Abaris bowed, “My apologies for disturbing both of you, but it was in accordance with the Archbishop’s wishes. It was he who ordered that the Cogs ready themselves. As it was also his order to have you return, Bishop Korlos. It is my understanding that his Holiness wishes to have everyone ready to protect the cathedral. Even us.” Korlos stood in silent confusion, digesting what he was just told. “Okay… but why though?” “My apologies, Bishop Korlos, but not even I fully understand. From what I understand, the Archbishop has ordered this because of one report brought before him by an Inquisitor. As per the report, a half-elf and his companions have entered Crimsonvale. And it is this individual who has caused the Archbishop to act as he did, even stating that he may know the half-elf.” Tae’Lyn interjected, “Did he say who the half-elf is? Why is he taking such drastic measures against just three people?” “Unfortunately, he did not.” Korlos crossed his arms, trying to make sense of the Archbishop’s actions. “I think we can assume that he is at least trying to prevent anyone from interfering with tonight’s ritual. And if the Archbishop believes to know the aforementioned half-elf, we can also assume him to be a threat to it.” Abaris agreed, “Yes. It is likely to be as you say. However, his Holiness stated that not even the Cogs may be enough. Hence your summoning.” Tae’Lyn pridefully scoffed, “The old man must be going senile if he thinks my Cogs will fall so easily.” Korlos snapped at her, “Bite your tongue, Tae’Lyn. It is heresy to speak ill of the Archbishop!” She shrugged, “I’m merely joking, Korlos. But there shouldn’t be anyone noteworthy near Crimsonvale. Didn’t your scouts confirm this?” Korlos relaxed, “Yes, but they ordered to watch from the walls before the start of this week. So whomever the half-elf is, it’s someone who must’ve appeared recently.” Abaris asked, “Could it be a Hero? Or an Adventurer at the least?” Korlos answered, “No, definitely not a Hero. Those come and go with walking processions whenever they appear. As for an Adventurer, possible but unlikely. Crimsonvale has minimal contact with other towns, so no one should know about what we’re up to.” Abaris pondered, “Then who is this half-elf?” Suddenly, a Watcher interrupted their meeting. Running towards them and short on breath. “B-bishops! BISHOPS!” He staggered towards them before falling to his knees and gasping for air just outside the cathedral. His face was pale from exhaustion and blood trailed down from where his left arm used to be. “Bishops, I-I bear a report f-from our assault on the h-half-elf.” Tae’Lyn addressed him, “Then speak! Do not waste our time!” He nodded and spoke, “Th-the half-elf and his dwarven companion are currently engaging us in combat.” Abaris interrupted the report. “Was there not a human girl with them?” “Th-there was, but she fled half-way through the battle. Unfortunately, the battle h-has not gone well. Our numbers slowly fell at the start, but our situation has grown dire since she ran. Alarmingly, the two I mentioned seem to have been holding back while she was present. But after she was gone, the battle shifted heavily against us.” The man was bleeding out, and badly at this point. “We assumed ourselves to be making slow progress, but our spells inflict negligible to no damage against either of them. The half-elf easily counters our magical attacks, and the dwarf out ranges all of us with his… weapon. Even when we try to flee, hoping to regroup, they pursue us and make it impossible to recover. I-I am one of the few lucky enough to escape.” Tae’Lyn was furious at their ineptitude. “You useless pieces of sh-!” Abaris put his hand on her shoulder, intervening. “What are our losses so far?” The Watcher took in heavy breaths and about to collapse. “I-it’s impossible to say for certain. The h-half-elf’s weapon turns our corpses to dust while the dwarf blows limbs off at range. M-my best guess is ‘many’. It is possible that, come dawn, our town’s faucets will pour blood if they aren’t… stopped…” With his last words, he collapsed and died. Tae’Lyn broke away from Abaris before turning away from the others, biting her nail while quietly cursing under her breath. Korlos suggested, “It seems that the half-elf and dwarf are our biggest concern right now. Let’s focus on slowing them down first with how they’re the biggest threat to the ritual. May we entrust this to you, Tae’Lyn?” Tae’Lyn scoffed, “I shall reduce them to nothing but red paste!” With a task given to her, Tae’Lyn strutted out and left the others to their affairs. Abaris and Korlos looked at each other for a moment. Korlos stated, “I shall go looking for the girl. It’s likely the rats will find her and bring her in. We may be able to use her as a bargaining chip, but hopefully Tae’Lyn can stop the half-elf and dwarf.” Abaris agreed, “Hopefully…”