Action Adventure Anime Book Comedy Drama Eastern Ecchi FanFiction Fantasy world Game elements Gender bender Harem Historical Horror Isekai Magic Martial arts Mecha Monke Monster girls Most wanted Movies Music Mystery Non-human Psychological Romance School life Sci-fi Seinen Shoujo Shounen Spicy Supernatural Sweet Tragedy Tsundere Vampires Video games Witch Yaoi Yuri Zombies
In Harry Potter AU with a system (Myriad Realms Shop owner)
Male Protagonist Transmigration Calm Protagonist Transported to Another World Second Chance Cunning Protagonist System Fan-fics
Male Protagonist Modern Day Love Interest Falls in Love First Weak to Strong Clever Protagonist Adapted to Mangas Sword And Magic Game Elements Hard-Working Protagonist
Vampiro en Harry Potter (dropped)
Male Protagonist Handsome Male Lead Weak to Strong Clever Protagonist Magic Game Elements Fantasy World Reincarnation System Fanfic R-18